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Get Back At It: Jumpstart Your Post-Vacation Workout Routine

Returning from a vacation can leave you feeling tired and overwhelmed with tasks like unpacking and getting back into your daily routine. It's easy to feel tempted to skip your workout the day after you return. But be warned: this is a slippery slope that can derail your fitness goals. After all, you're exhausted, have a mountain of unpacking to do, and feel stiff from the journey home. That one day off can easily turn into two, then three, and before you know it, a week has passed, and you still haven’t laced up your sneakers. Why You Shouldn't Delay Skipping your workout after a vacation might seem harmless, but it's crucial to understand the impact of this decision: Momentum Loss: Consistency is key to maintaining progress. Skipping workouts can disrupt the momentum you've built and make it harder to get back into the groove. Increased Laziness: The more you…

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pair of red and white low top sneakers

Your Ultimate Vacation Recovery Plan

You went on an amazing vacation, explored new places, and now you're back. You indulged in delicious food and drinks, relaxed, and maybe ate a bit too much. Now, it's time to get back on track. Waking up on Monday morning after a week of indulgence, you might find yourself feeling bloated, achy, and noticing that your clothes are a bit tighter. Sound familiar? Here's a five-step plan to help you recover from your vacation and realign with your fitness goals: Step One: Refocus Your vacation is over, and it's time to move on. Yes, you enjoyed foods you usually avoid and drank more than you should have, but now it's time to refocus. Draw a line in the sand and commit to stopping the indulgent eating now that you're back home. Remember, if you're serious about your fitness goals, your vacation was an exception, not the norm. Don't dwell…

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