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The fitness industry used to tell people to do both cardiovascular training and weights. Cardio is good for you heart and weights are good for your muscles and bones, right? Well, now there is a huge discussion taking place about which is better: Cardio versus weights?

You will always see the 8 minute workout in both schools of thought. The cardiovascular freaks will claim you can get fit with just so-many-minutes of cardio per day, and the pump-you-up fans will insist you can do the same with weights. Meanwhile the Surgeon General is saying that everyone needs a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day.  So which is it?

What if you could do both at once? Think about it: if you do a weight workout where you move from one multi-joint exercise to another without stopping, then you’ve just gone from cardio versus weights to cardio and weights in a matter of seconds.

Combining the two is the real answer!

Why make cardio vs. weights into a battle? They are both good for you, but you don’t need two hours a day – or even an hour a day – to reach goals in both of those areas. If you have time constraints, I can show you how to reach your goals in just 20 to 30 minutes each day. It’s all about intensity and functionality.

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